Magic Hands Massage
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In Orgiva , Spain

This page gives you an overview of my sessions in Spain.  Links will take you to other pages with more details of the ways I work.

My Name is Mary Lomax and I have over 20 years experience in massage therapy (more info).

My speciality is longer sessions from 2 - 4 hours which I like to think of as embodywork.  The main way I work is very slow and thorough, exploring in detail through the many layers of muscles and fascia finding the places most massages just don't connect to.  This enables you to come down into your body with a deeper awareness and connect with all that is held in your tissues.  Rather than trying to fix or get rid of anything my intention is to help you to bring more love and tenderness towards your own body.  I include a lot of holding to allow the body time and space to gradually unwind long held tensions and particular techniques to deactivate trigger points.  This work can also touch into emotions held within the tissues and I hold an open space for you to release any of this stuck energy which is ready to let go and to gently welcome anything that just needs to be met with love.  This means that even a longer session isn't always a full body treatment.  In my view it is more effective to really work deeply on specific areas rather than speed round the body without this vital time to drop deeper in.  

If you want a full body session I recommend Holistic Massage or the Lomi Lomi massage which is not so deep physically but a beautiful soothing treat.  These sessions are also great if your intention is to allow your mind to switch off and to just drop into the pleasure of soothing touch on your soft animal body.

I have studied a range of techniques from gently relaxing to deeply therapeutic.  I offer and can combine  Therapeutic Bodywork, Neuroskeletal Realignment, Holistic, Deep Tissue, Indian Head and Lomi Lomi Massage.  Whilst some of these have a sensual element, I do not offer a sexual massage of any sexual services (more info).

Session costs here are on a sliding scale from 
€25 per hour for locals or those with limited finances to €45 per hour for visitors or those residents who can afford to pay extra.  You can pay what feels right to you within this price range.  You're getting quite a bargain compared to my usual London rates.  Prices at specific centres are as designated by the centre.

I accept payment in cash in Euros or, by advance arrangement, by bank transfer into my UK account.  This needs to be done before the session.

Sessions take place in my home - around 15 minutes walk from the centre of Orgiva up Rio Chico.  There is parking nearby but a short walk up a hill to reach the house.  Sessions can be arranged at other retreat locations in the surrounding area with an extra charge to cover my travel time.

I understand Spanish fairly well if you speak slowly and clearly and speak some.  I also understand and speak some German and French.

I am available most weekdays and weekends between 11am-8pm.    
I can sometimes can fit you in at short notice but advance bookings are always better to ensure you get the time convenient to you.

To book a session 
please call me on 643 64 85 07 (don't text as I probably won't get it)
 or email me -

For all appointments there is a minimum 24 hour cancellation period required.  Should you not be able to attend for your treatment please give me 24 hours notice or the full fee will be payable. 

There is much more information on the rest of the site so when you have more time do take a look.  If you can't find the answer to any questions feel free to give me a call or send an email.

Just wanted to drop a note of thanks for my session today.
The massage itself was great - but I also felt really comfortable and relaxed with you and I'm sure this enhanced the experience.
I think you got the mixture of leg work and lomi lomi just right &, apart from the extra pressure felt (in a good way!!), the switch was seamless.
I'm sure my legs & knees will be a work in progress for a while but they felt so light on the journey home and still do now!
I hope to be able to book a return visit with you soon!
JJ London

Just a quick note to say thanks for the massage a few days ago.  I loved it, as you know.

P. S. Birmingham

 I am returning to be based full time in the UK
I'm not sure yet where I will be based but will visit London on a regular basis so if you would like to be informed of my visits sign up to my mailing list here.

You can also find details of my availability here.
07971 875392

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